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A graph is a set of vertices (points) connected by edges (lines).

We use specifics graph algorithms to efficiency resolve related problems.


  • G: graph
  • V: vertices. The nodes of the graph.
  • E: edges. Directed or undirected links between the vertices.

Adjacency matrix

An adjacency matrix helps to quickly look up a single edge and allows for quick addition of edges.

The graph must be (almost) complete and it can cost performance depending on its size.


V is the number of vertices

  • Browse a row or a column of the matrice (adjacent node/edge): O(V)
  • Store the matrix: O(V²)
  • Browsing all edges of the graph: O(V²)

Adjacency list

An adjacency list provides quick lookup of one vertex and allows for quick addition of new edges and vertices. However, searching for a single edge requires traversing the entire list.


V is the number of vertices E is the number of edges

  • Store the lists: O(E+V)
  • Browse all vertices of the graph: O(E+V)
  • Check if (v1,v2) is a vertice: O(deg(vi))
  • Browse adjacent vertices of vi : O(deg(vi))


Directed vs. undirected


Eulerian vs. Hamiltonian

Comparison between eulerian and hamiltonian graphs Source: VisualMath – Youtube


A graph is bipartite if the vertices can be split into two subsets


A clique is when you take a subset of vertices and all these vertices are connected together.

Example of clique

On the left, (A,B,C,D) are a clique because they are all adjacent to each other. It's not the case for (B,E,F,D)


  • Find if path exists between 2 nodes
    • Directed graphes: Tarjan, Kosaraju
    • Undirected graphes: DFS, BFS
  • Find shortest path between 2 nodes
    • Bellman-Ford
    • Dijkstra (positive weights only)
    • Floyd-warshall (positive and negative, find shortest path for all nodes)
  • Connect all vertices together with edges subsets (Minimum Spanning Tree)