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Availability is the proportion of time a system is in a functioning condition. It is closed link with notions of performance, reliability and robustness.

Robustness = Fault Tolerance + Recoverability


  • Source Internal or external from the system
  • Stimulus
    • Omission: a component fails to respond to an input
    • Crash: a component repeatedly suffers omission faults
    • Timing: a component responds too late/early
    • Response: a component responds with an incorrect value
  • Artifact Processor, process, communication channel, storage
  • Environment Normal mode / save mode, first failure, repeated failure
  • Response Fault detection and isolation, recovery, user/system notifications
  • Measure Availability percentage/intervals, time to detect/repair


Fault detection

  • Ping/echo
  • Monitoring: display errors in real-time (like car warning lights)
  • Heartbeat: send a health-check every at a certain frequency
  • Timestamp: detect incoherences in a sequence of event.
  • Sanity check: data-validation (e.g. checksum).
  • Voting: find aberrations according the mean of data coming from multiple sources.
  • Exception detection: variable length, data-type, division by 0, etc.
  • Self-test: component run process to regulate itself. It requires it to be isolated to avoid being influenced.

Faults recovery

Preparation & Repair

  • Redundancy: data duplication (hot spare, RAID, etc.)
  • Exception handling
  • Rollback: come back to last known functional state
  • Upgrades: patches and fixes on one, many or all nodes
  • Retry: sometimes, rebooting solve the problem, especially in instable domains (network, sensors, …)
  • Ignore: sometimes, error is not critical enough
  • Degradation: sacrifice components or features
  • Reconfiguration


  • Shadowing: limit components or features (e.g. save boot mode on an OS)
  • State synchronization: backup and redundancy of functional state before crash
  • Escalating restart: reactivate components step-by-step, with different levels of granularity

Faults prevention

  • Removal from service: taking components offline
  • Transactions: canceling on error (e.g. ACID)
  • Prediction: anticipation (e.g. high workload among time)
  • Increase Competence Set: hire domain professionals