ACID properties are principles applicable in rdbms
- Atomicity: ensures that the transaction is done in its entirety: if one part cannot be executed, the data is restored and nothing happens.
- Consistency: manages the validation of data within the transaction, such as integrity constraints or typing.
- Isolation: forces autonomy within transactions; they are not dependent on each other, even if their execution is simultaneous.
- Durability: provides for the storage of confirmed transactions in order to keep them even in the event of unforeseen circumstances (e.g. server failure).
Since ACID properties can't be guarantee in NoSQL databases, they have their own backronym : the BASE properties.
- Basically Aavailable: guarantees availability of the data despite the workload by spreading and replicating across the node of the cluster.
- Soft-state: database can change during updates or when adding/removing servers; it does not have to guarantee consistency at all times.
- Eventually consistent: in the long run, the database will reach a consistent state.