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Model-View-Controller is a design pattern to develop user interface in three interconnected components.

MVC representation Keep in mind that MVC is not a layered architecture (where each layer can communicate only with the one above or under).



  • Describe data state, structure and behaviour
  • Handle data access and modification
  • Independent from the View and Controller
  • Notify the View of changes (observer)


  • Presentation layer: display the data to the end-user
  • Requests update from the Model
  • Send user's actions to the Controller


  • Connects end-users to the application
  • Handle inputs and requests, converts it to commands
  • Update the Model according to user's actions
  • Chose the View to respond with
  • Can handle several Views.
  • Dependent of View and Model

Variants and alternatives


In Model-View-Presenter, a Presenter is the bridge between the View and the Model.

  • Presenter can handle only one View (in contrast with a Controller)
  • Presenter listen to both View and Model
  • Views must implement an interface to interact with its Presenter
MVP representation


In Model-View-ViewModel, a ViewModel bind data between View and Model, instead of using an event-listener system. It is easier to implement and test, but it can lead to code complexity and can be memory-costy.

MVVM schema