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Note: this is an overview of security as a quality attribute. For more information, have a look at the Cyber security page.


  • Source: reckless employee, hacker, group of hackers, bots, …
  • Stimulus: type of attack
  • Artifact: system's resources (infrastructure, network, data, …)
  • Environment: in which state is the system under attack
  • Response: how the system resist
  • Measure: recovery time



  • Intrusion: maximum password try, suspicious location, …
  • Service denial: IPs blacklist, workload measure, …
  • Message integrity: hash, checksum, signature, cryptography, certificates, …
  • Message delay: caused by MITM attacks, …


  • Authentication: check identify, password, certificate, key-pairs, biometric, 2FA, …
  • Access control: restrict port opening, single point access, session duration, …
  • Encryption: symmetric, asymmetric, …
  • Entities separation: isolate parts of the system (hardware, software, …)
  • Configuration: change default settings


  • Revoke access: under conditions (frequency, location, timing, …)
  • Lock computer
  • Inform actors: sensibilisation, prevention, human intervention, system notification, …


See: Availability