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Kruskal's algorithm

Kruskal's algorithm is a greedy algorithm that tries to find a Minimum Spanning Tree among a graph. To achieve this, he use a minimal spanning forest first and connect the trees together.

It works well for less dense graph.

![Animation of Kruskal's algorithm](../assets/kruskal.gif 'Kruskal's algorithm - Wikipedia')

Its behaviour is similar to Prim's algorithm, but it uses multiple trees before connecting them together.


  • Create a forest (a set of trees) initially consisting of a separate single-vertex tree for each vertex in the input graph.
  • Sort the graph edges by weight.
  • Loop through the edges of the graph, in ascending sorted order by their weight. For each edge:
    • Test whether adding the edge to the current forest would create a cycle
    • If not, add the edge to the forest, combining two trees into a single tree


Kruskal algorithm has a time complexity of O(|E|log|V|)
