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Sample Editor Command


This section concern low-level data representation, including binary and bits.


Orders of magnitude data

TermMagnitudeData approximationGrain of Rice equiv.
Bit (b)1 or 0Boolean condition1/8 grain of rice
Byte/Octet (B)8-bitsA letter1 grain of rice
Kilobyte (KB)1000 BytesHalf-page of text1 cup
Megabyte (MB)1000 KB500 pages of text8 bags
Gigabyte (GB)1000 MB~5 min. of HD video3 semi-trucks
Terabyte (TB)1000 GB~500 h. of HD video2 container ships
Petabyte (PB)1000 TBBlankets Manhattan
Exabyte (EB)1000 PBBlankets west coast states
Zettabyte (ZB)1000 EBFills the Pacific Ocean
Yottabyte (YB)1000 ZB


  • Don't confuse bit (binary unit) and byte (8 bits)
    • 1 kilobyte (KB) = 1000 bytes = 8000 bits
    • 1 kilobit (Kb) = 1000 bits = 125 bytes
  • On the table above, magnitude is represented in decimal value (base 10). To represents binary architecture (base 2) of computers, we can use a binary prefix: 1 kibibyte (KiB) = 1024 B.
