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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a program or machine to think and learn by itself. One of the main field of AI is Machine Learning.

What's "intelligence" ?

There is no clear definition of what's intelligent and what's not. For example, what can we consider as intelligent in biological life ? If humans are intelligent, what about, animals, plants or even unicellular organisms…? It's a bit the same for machines. Is a calculator intelligent compared to computers or complex programs ?

There is many way to answer the question. A famous one is the Turing test. If users interact with a program but think it's a human, it passes the test.

ELIZA Effect

The ELIZA effect describe how people tend to attribute human traits to intelligent systems that have a textual interface (typically with LLMs). Because of that, users empathise with AI system, from being polite to building friendship with.

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  • MLM – Machine Learning Model
  • ML Facilities – Resources used to train a model
  • ML Inference – Using a trained model on data
  • AI Glossary – NNGroup

