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Marketing mix

Marketing mix resume domains that a company uses to pursue its objectives in the market.

4 Ps


Define the product itself

  • Objectives: what problem does it fix, what needs does it answer
  • Features & functions: what does it do
  • Material: volume, format, presentation, …
  • Brand: how it feel like, what is the target (luxe, ethical, ecological, etc.)
  • product-lifecycle
  • Offer: two variants
    • Give solution to clients (fish for them)
    • Involve in the process (teach them to fish)

→ Benchmarking


Selling price to clients and profitability

  • Positioning: low-cost, premium, …
  • Price evolution


Which place we provide stuff to clients

  • Appropriate channel: according to strategy, positioning, target, …
  • Shipping: form, post, pick-up points
  • Retail: promotion, choice of location, transports
  • Logistic


Communication strategy

  • Define objectives, target audience (→ Persona)
  • Communication supports:
    • Offline, online, advertising, promotion, social media, point-of-sale display
    • Sell promotion: game contest, events, sampling
  • Presentation: look & feel, how the staff behaves
  • Multicanal communication: cover all contact point between client and company
  • Conventional relation: involve client in a trust relation

7 Ps

3 additional domains to extend the marketing mix.


Procedure and flux of activities to deliver the service/product.

We define client interaction (welcoming, advising, hours of opening, etc.), but also how to order, update and use the product.

→ User journey


How the staff take action in the process.

  • Selling: cashier, barman, …
  • Support: IT, community manager, …
  • Channels: telephone, emailing, chat, on-site, …
  • Brand representation: wording, clothes, attitude, …

It’s important that every staff role is well defined, so the client is not lost and has a contact point.

Physical evidence

Material components of…

  • Shop: vitrine, shelves, …
  • Product: packaging, materials, …
  • Service: card, app design, …

Purpose: helps gain trust and build credibility with the client