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Scrum is an Agile framework designed for small teams (10 or less). Small pieces of work are delivered frequently, at each sprints.


Trust is a key element which must be inherent to the team. Trust is built on three main values: Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation.

5 additional values is apply to the team members while working together:

  • Courage to do the right think and work on tough problems
  • Focus on the backlog and the objectives
  • Commitment to achieving the defined tasks and goals
  • Respect and trust in the capabilities of each other
  • Openness and being transparent about work and challenges


  • Product backlog: requirements for the final product.
  • Sprint planning: organise incoming sprint (~8h for a 4-weeks sprint).
  • Sprint backlog: requirements for the current sprint. Usually (but not necessary) made of User Stories
  • Daily Scrum: a 15 minutes daily meeting
  • Increment: actual functional state of the product
  • Sprint Review: end-sprint meeting, involving Product Owner and stakeholders
  • Sprint Retrospective: end-sprint meeting, only involving the Scrum Team.
The Scrum Framework

Daily Scrum

  • A 15 minutes daily meeting
  • Also known as Stand-up meeting, so it forces to keep it short
  • Same place, same time (morning is better)
  • Typically contains 3 key questions:
    • What has been done yesterday
    • What's today's goals
    • What are the blocking points
  • Avoid discussion about planification, organisation, management, problem resolution, etc.

Scrum Team

Product Owner

  • Represent the customers and stakeholders
  • Owns and maintains the Product Backlog
  • Define and deliver releases
  • Keep track of progress

Scrum Master

  • Act as the bridge between the developers and the Product Owner
  • Ensure the application of the Scrum guidelines
    • Typically: make sure to be on-time with Daily Scrum
  • Coach, lead and support the team


  • Small team of 7±2, multi-disciplinary and cross-functional
  • Deliver pieces of work at every sprint


Source and documentation