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Agile is a project management methodology for software development based on communication and collaboration between teams, including the client.


Agile methodology can be overview via the manifesto. It states 4 core values and 12 principles.


  1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation
  3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  4. Responding to change over following a place


  1. Satisfy customer via early and continuous delivery
  2. Welcome changing requirements, even in late stages
  3. Deliver work frequently, in preference to a short timescale
  4. Business and development teams work together
  5. Keep people motivated, through environment and support
  6. Prioritize face-to-face conversations
  7. Functionality is the primary measure of progress
  8. Have a constant pace, avoid exhausting rushes
  9. Technical excellence and good design
  10. Keep it simple, minimize useless work
  11. Self-organized teams deliver best results
  12. Adjust to changes to become more and more effective

Main principles


The product backlog defines the requirements for the final product. It's split in Product Backlog Items (PIB).


1-4 week work iteration

User Story

A User Story describes a feature from the user's point of view. List of tasks can then arise from it.

It typically is constructed on a format like this:

As a [role], I [want to], [so that]


User stories are generally grouped to Epics


  • Epic Develop an application to consult a school's class schedule
    • User Story As a student, I want to easily access my personal schedule, so that I can manage my homeworks and revisions
      • Task Student access and authentication
      • Task Web application, responsive
    • User Story As a teacher, I want to easily edit the schedule, so that I can inform my student in real-time
      • Task Teach access and authentication
      • Task Editor / admin role
